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David G. Callow
Head of Governance and Oversight

David Callow is a former Executive Board Member of Amnesty International (AI) in London, UK. Prior to joining AI’s Executive Board to provide guidance to the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization, he served as a senior human rights adviser to senior government officials and diplomatic representations in London and Brussels. A passionate advocate for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be protected by the rule of law as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations, he has been a regular AI public speaker for more than 25 years - reporting on human rights, raising public awareness through educational information and organizing human rights training programs for teachers.

He was Amnesty International country coordinator for the former Yugoslavia for several years, and led the 1999 International Aid for Kosovo campaign, where he personally made trips to Kosovo and delivered aid for the re-stocking of hospitals and the re-building of schools - following war damage.

A strict Buddhist, who has personally met with the Dalai Lama in-an-effort to appeal for the rights of the Rohingya people in Burma, David also worked closely with the National Holocaust Centre in Nottingham-UK to promote an understanding of the roots of discrimination and prejudice. He is a gradual of Leicester University in England.